- Added minimi MK3 as AR main weapon for FRA 20
- Added mortar grid calculator, calculator is shown in the bottom left of ui mortar (under the firetable)
- Added mortar/target height difference management for FRA mortar (X + scroll to change the value)
- Added SCAR-H PR for FRA20 trough a new marksman kit, SFX fire use the G3 SFX with pitch increased by 50% and volume increased by 100%
- Added FAMAS valorisé, FRA 10 role modification :
- New SL kit with FAMAS valorisé + Eotech 552 + Grip
- New Engineer kit with FAMAS valorisé + Eotech 552
- New rifleman kit with FAMAS valorisé + Eotech 552
- Replaced rifleman kit with FAMAS PGMP + Scrome J4 by FAMAS valorisé + Scrome J4
- Added new AR role for FRA10 and FRA20, Minimi MK1 + eotech 552 and Minimi Mk3 + eotech 552 respectivly
- Added second HMG kit for FRA10 , Maximi ELCAN
- Added HAT kit :
- FAMAS valorisé + NLAW + AT4 CS
- FAMAS valorisé with Eotech 552 + NLAW + AT4 CS
- Added LAT kit :
- FAMAS valorisé with Eotech 552 + AT4 CS
- FAMAS valorisé with Scrome J4 + AT4 CS
- Added PGM HECATE II, Added sniper kit to FRA20, changed FRF2 of the FRA10 sniper kit for the PGM HECATE II
- Added 3 marksman kit to FRA10: FRF2, HK417 SB, HK417 ELCAN
- Added the TIGER EC665 HAB as a placeholder in Jensens Range
- Added CMDR view in the CAIMAN for the copilot
- Changed SFX fire HK416 for the M27 IAR with increased pitch of 10%
- Removed VBCI cage due to cooking error
- Changed AT4 CS to LAT instead of HAT
- HAT kit got NLAW instead of AT4 CS for HAT
- Replaced Maximi ELCAN by a Maximi Eotech 552 for the 1sh HMG kit FRA 20
- Changed damage of the FAMAS, use M4 damage curve instead of a custom one
- Giving flags advantage for INS and MIL faction (1 to 2 flags are already captured)
- Added frag grenades to AR kits
- Reduced mine cost to 35 instead of 50, Engineer can have a maximun of 3 mines, Mines can be grab by the engineer
- Reduced sprint speed for Sniper kit by 10%
- Inceased MOA of the FRF2 to 1.5 instead of 0.8 (less precision)
- Changed damage of the FRF2 in order to match the mosin sniper one (less damage other distance)
- Added FRA Skorpo AAS v1 : FRA (8RPIMA) vs USMC
- Added FRA Kokan RAAS v3 : FRA (21RIMA) vs USMC
- Added FRA Tallil Invasion v1 : FRA (501RCC) vs USMC
- Added FRA Black coast AAS v2 : FRA (1REC) vs MIL
- Added FRA Black coast RAAS v2 : FRA (12RC) vs USMC
- Fixed ADS sight to be closest to reality. Front demi circle of the sight should touch the closer circle of the sight
- Fixed a LOD textures issue with the Minimi MK1
- Fixed AMX-10-SEPAR textures does not match ref
- Fixed AMX-10 undesired appearing shadows on the driver porthole
- Fixed FRA vehicle does not trigger the new mine from 3.2 squad version
- Fixed Snow camo trailer assets does not match colors of the other french snow asset
- Fixed cable transpenracy of the french container used in the repair station
- Attempt to fix CAIMAN may be stuck in the Heli pad
- May fixed some issue related to kokan layer (missing ref to some level)
- Animation for FAMAS bayonet are missing
- Some pose in the role out shows clipping with some weapons
- VBCI smoke flickering
- PAMAS got clipping with the hand
- Missing sound may occur in burst mode for the FAMAS (will be not fixed, vanilla)
- VBCI bolt not aligned with the texture
- rally point in jensen’s range near the fob is not FFL (will be not fixed, vanilla)
- 120MO missing sound when at +25m
- SB, J8 and APAV got a mirror effect
- VAB gunner open top got clipping leg
- Minimi clipping during reload animation with attachment
- VBCI cage does not take AT/TOW damage when cage is hit
- VAB open top no recoil feedback
- Soldier in the SAA CAIMAN got a leg in the air at max yaw
- CAIMAN may be stuck in the Heli pad
- HK 417 + SB, sight takes too long to render when aiming
- Soldier in 3p does not play animation when going ADS AT4
- Hands offset for 3p char
- Anvil shadow are too dark (Will be not fixed, SDK issue)
- AMX flipped when destroyed
- UGL mouse sensitivity is linked with no zoom instead of 1x