- Updated HK417 SFX with AUS SFX
- Updated HK417’s textures
- Updated PUMA / VAB / VBCI / LECLERC / AMX ‘s textures
- Added CAIMAN UN camo
- Added snow camo for GBC / LECLERC / VBCI / VAB / MO120
- Replaced M2 barrel for a more accurate version used by French army
- Added specific repair station
- Added AMX-10-SEPAR, replacing AMX-10-RCR for the FRA20 faction (New armor kit add 40mm than the RCR version)
- Increased mobility of the AMX-10
- Replaced VBCI cage for FRA 92th RI UN by VBCI UN
- Changed vehicle radial menu of the AMX to MBT version
- Increased CAIMAN resources : 400/600 to 900/600
- Slightly review flight model of the CAIMAN
- Added Hell canon for INS
- CAF vs 2nd REP: Replaced TAPV M2 for LUVW C6
- CAF vs 12th RC: Replaced TAPV M2 for M113A3 M2
- CAF vs 501th RCC: Replaced TAPV M2 for LUVW M2 and M133A3 TLAV
- CAF vs 1st REC : Replaced 1 MSVS Logi by 2 LUVW Logi / replaced MSVS TRAN by 1 LUVW TRAN + LUVW C6 / Replaced TAPV C6 by LUVW C6
- Use of AUS NH90 content for the CAIMAN (Display, and mesh) -> reduce mod size
- Adjusted HUD name for the CE entrenching tool, added “Engineer”
- Updated UGL FAMAS description
- Fixed rifle can be see through ELCAN / JA with Maximi / HK416 / Minimi / MAG 58
- Fixed CAIMAN SAA Eotech camera not at correct position when changing pitch
- Fixed lateral movement when firing with the AMX
- Fixed Fire VFX for the Leclerc / VBCI / AMX
- Fixed wheel VFX for the AMX
- Fixed AMX-10 Rear plate fading in the body structure
- Attempt of fix : MILAN cannot be destroyed or gunner killed with tank HE, added col mesh for the tripod
- Fixed Tallil’s layer typo : Talil -> Tallil
- Fixed minimap offset on Yehorivka AASv1
- Resync the animation of the HK269
- Animation for FAMAS bayonet are missing
- Some pose in the role out shows clipping with some weapons
- VBCI smoke flickering
- PAMAS got clipping with the hand
- Missing sound may occur in burst mode for the FAMAS (will be not fixed, vanilla)
- VBCI bolt not aligned with the texture
- Rally point in jensen’s range near the fob is not FFL (will be not fixed, vanilla)
- 120MO missing sound when at +25m
- SB, J8 and APAV got a mirror effect (vanilla bug)
- VAB gunner open top got clipping leg
- Minimi clipping during reload animation with attachment
- VBCI cage does not take AT/TOW damage when cage is hit
- VAB open top no recoil feedback
- Soldier in the SAA CAIMAN got a leg in the air at max yaw
- CAIMAN may be stuck in the Heli pad
- HK 417 + SB, sight takes too long to render when aiming
- Soldier in 3p does not play animation when going ADS AT4
- Hands offset for 3p char
- Anvil shadow are too dark (SDK bug)
- AMX flipped when destroyed