- Added Goosebay seed layer, FRA vs USMC
- Updated mod to squad V3.0
- Increased GBC suspension absorption, less prone to roll
- Increased understeer effect for the GBC
- Remove some physic bloc on the GBC to reduce bumpy effect on rocks/bumps/tree
- Changed GBC gear setup with speed value insted of gear ratio
- Replaced 1 UH60 by a CH146 when CAF is against FRA 501 RCC
- Replaced 1 LAV by a 2 Coyote when CAF is aigainst FRA 1 REC
- Inverted the color camo of the MO120 snow version. Green is white and brown is kept.
- Attemp to reduce mod size, 4k ORM textures became 1k textures and 4k albedo textures became 2k and 2k albedo textures became 1k
- Updated all sub faction type used by the mod. Only affect the faction info shown on the server info
- Fixed wrong camo for the Snow VAB TTOP gunner’s hatch. It was CE camo instead Snow
- Fixed wrong textures for the VBCI’s wreck UN version, It was CE.
- Fixed wrong textures for the VBCI’s wreck Snow version. It was UN textures for the body and CE textures for the turret
- Fixed rotation of the barrel sfx for the VBCI’s wreck
- Fixed wrong textures for the Snow VAB Open top .50. It was CE instead of Snow
- Fixed French faction does not have CMD asset with AUSSIE layers
- Fixed wrong textures for the baseplate of the MO120 with desert biome
- Fixed flying vehicle when putting C4 on wheels. Fix extented to the ammobag
- Fixed Sumari seed layer can use both MO120 and MO81 for the same FOB
- Fixed missing cap exhaust for the AMX-10-SEPAR
- Fixed FRA10 for FRA 20 Goosebay seed instead of FRA 20
- Fixed out of operations area when spawning in Goosebay seed
- Animation for FAMAS bayonet are missing
- Some pose in the role out shows clipping with some weapons
- VBCI smoke flickering
- PAMAS got clipping with the hand
- Missing sound may occur in burst mode for the FAMAS (will be not fixed, vanilla)
- VBCI bolt not aligned with the texture
- rally point in jensen’s range near the fob is not FFL (will be not fixed, vanilla)
- 120MO missing sound when at +25m
- SB, J8 and APAV got a mirror effect
- VAB gunner open top got clipping leg
- Minimi clipping during reload animation with attachment
- VBCI cage does not take AT/TOW damage when cage is hit
- VAB open top no recoil feedback
- Soldier in the SAA CAIMAN got a leg in the air at max yaw
- CAIMAN may be stuck in the Heli pad
- HK 417 + SB, sight takes too long to render when aiming
- Soldier in 3p does not play animation when going ADS AT4
- Hands offset for 3p char
- Anvil shadow are too dark (SDK issue)
- AMX flipped when destroyed
- UGL mouse sensitivity is linked with no zoom instead of 1x
- AMX-10-SEPAR textures does not match ref
- Snow camo trailer assets does not match colors of the other french snow asset