- Added soldier skin (CE, Desert, Snow, UN)
- Added team join selection Image for each biome with FRA2010/FRA2020/UN variants -Added AMX-10-RCR, when engine is on and not damaged. Use mousewheel to change the height of the body, Use handbrake + mousewheel to change the pitch of the body, Use stabilization key to correct the roll
- Major update on layer and faction. Only 9 faction setup instead of 14. 1st REC / 2nd REP / 2nd BB / 1st Spahis / 92th RI / 501th RCC / 8th RPIMa /12th RC / 21th RIMa
- Modified the FAMAS hip position in 1p, closer to shoulder
- Removed the test role for the FRA2010 in Jensen’s Range
- Updated FAMAS and HK416 Fire SFX for 1p and 3p
- Updated number of VAB to 8 instead of 10
- Updated FAMAS animation in order to match the FAMAS grip and the reloading animation
- Removed VBCI in Kohat Skirmish
- Updated rear sight mesh of the HK416
- Added InfBag to the exterior decoration of the VAB
- Updated Milan reload animation with camera
- Updated the cost of fortification in accordance to 2.14
- Fixed Spawning underground in Yehorivka and Gorodok
- Fixed wrong ammobag was used when biome was forest or snow
- Fixed CAIMAN SAA rotation, limit where inverted
- Fixed CAIMAN M2, rotation limit were removed, now it’s 40°yaw and -35 to 5 in pitch axis. Same for the PUMA
- Fixed the flash coax position of the Leclerc
- Fixed VAB seat 9, wrong window and wrong view
- Fixed named of the M240 VAB to “VAB CB52” instead of “VAB”
- Fixed Leclerc body colour near the track does not match reality (UN and desert)
- Fixed AT4 LODs may look weird in some case
- Fixed AT4CS missile protection does not go away after firing
- Fixed minimap in goro is offset
- Fixed VAB not spawning in FRA Fool’s road RAAS v1
- Fixed MBT not spawning after the 2.12 update
- Fixed Double spawn of Heli in Tallil
- Fixed missing sound level for Anvil layers
- Fixed French FOB cannot be put in Fallujah
- Fixed HK416 textures too reflectives
- New patch for CAIMAN may be stuck in the Heli pad
- Improvment on the inside VAB texture became dark with the update (cannot be fixed)
- Fixed ADS blur effect for the HK416 ELCAN / HK416 Scrome J4 / HK417 Elcan / Maximi ELCAN / Mag 58 ELCAN