Happy January Squaddies! We made a lot of progress over the last couple of weeks, and in the coming week(s) we will have a play test ready. More information will be provided soon.
HK 416 FS and FC Texture by Joejomefirst
To start off the new year and the new month, we have the HK416 FS and the FC textured by Joejomefirst. The diligent work on it is astounding. Feast your eyes on the lovely HK.
Integration work by Medinar
This month Medinar integrated the HK417, Minimi, demo charge and the HK416 bayonet. We know you guys are waiting to see what it looks like in the SDK, and here you go. We hope you enjoy it.
Boris has done another great job this month on getting the PA MAC 50 done, and is it ever wonderful. Amazing work as always boris!
Boris didn’t just only do the PA MAC50 he has also got the MILAN F3 modeling done, though it’s still a wip, this guy is getting close to being ready to fight any heavy armor it see’s on the battlefield.

MO 120 mm RTF1 “Goniomètre” by Exo
The 120mm mortar was originally crafted by Bonfunk, Exo did a wonderful job on the gunner sight. The 120mm Mortar model is being updated with some modifications to the original to match the new sight, this includes the textures as well.

GR MA DF mle F1 by JO_CMD
The Hand grenade Defensive model F1 texture and modeling is done, and needs some integration work but will be in the SDK shortly, another god crafted item by JO_CMD.
AT4 CS Texture by JO_CMD
Last month you saw the AT4 created by JO_CMD, and it finally has a texture. Look at this beauty!

AT4 CS Rocket by MADssense
MADssense made the model and Medinar made the projectile rotates and the fins deploy , enjoy the video.

VOICES by Otha and Matthew
Otha and Matthew did a wonderful job getting voice lines done, check out the sound clip. I’m already immersed!
Jo_CMD didn’t just do the AT4 texture this month, he has also worked on getting the Med Pack done. Which is called “Trousse Individuelle du Combattant”. It will be used on the battlefield soon enough.

Along with the Felin Helmet, JOE has been hard at work on another equipment and this time it’s the 45L BackPack. Joe has been a wonderful help to the team and we love to share his progress.

JO_CMD is giving a shot at making the french soldiers come to life as he has begun getting the Felin Helmet done for the faction and man is it looking high quality.

DOUENTZA optimisation by Noxxid3 and Xander
Originally crafted by Legion, Noxxid3 and Xander have been hard at work on making the map feel more lived in, adding more detail and getting a Skirm layer ready for a play test. They made some great progress this month, and we should see a skirm test here shortly 🙂 If you would like to see more progress on the map, both Xander and Noxxid3 have channels that you can check out.
Xander’s youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPRePPBm08Ex06PQAuRz8ag
Noxxid3’ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/insomnnic
Here is the mini map for the map Douentza, its still a WIP but we wanted to show you the size of the entire map and the size of the Skirm layer.

MALIAN GATE by Captain Price
Malian Gate hand crafted by Captain Price is being ready to work inside the Mali map Noxxid3 and Xander have been working on (we havent forgotten the french map either folks :)) The gate brings in great quality and a new asset into the SDK to make the map feel a bit more unique.

LECLERC by HCardioid
More progress on the awaited LECLERC, HCardioid is hard at work on getting this ready to be put into the SDK. He did an amazing job on getting the camo pattern down and we love it.
This month has been a busy time for us all, and we hope that this brings you more of a nice little surprise. Keep up to date on our discord for any news, information and a playtest soon. So go ahead and join, we hope to see you there!
Q1: “Where’s the newer equipment of the French Army?”/”Why dont you just go for the newer equipment instead?”.
A1: The team has the 2025 era (otherwise known as the “ Scorpion program”) on our minds but it’s a big maybe, we would like to have the newer equipment in, but at the moment there isn’t a lot of references for us. We want to finish the 2010/2018 era first, and then think about introducing the 2025 faction. How the faction is currently set up, is during the transition between the older equipment and newer, we wanted to have the old whilst having the newer equipment being playable. That’s why we have different weapons you can play with, though similar to the other weapons, they’re just a different variation of it. Example is the Famas and the HK together.
Trello updated
Trello has been updated, everything here is subject to change including the play test time.

Wow just wow please keep making this good stuff, you guys are awesome !!!!
Le sac FELIN est vraiment magnifique !!
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