- Added accepted commander VO
- Updated all armor mesh of vehicles + wreck col to the new squad component (SQArmor)
- Wreck VBCI will show cage if the destroyed VBCI was a caged version
- FRA20 got Glock 17 (GB) instead of PA MAC and PAMAS
- Added New antenna to VAB
- Added 600m coax mark for VBCI gunner
- Reduced armor value of the VBCI (in order to get more are area hit with .50cal)
- Reduced AT4 initial velocity from 290 m/s to 220m/s in order to match IRL value
- Added FRA vehicle diarama in jensens range
- Swap smoke grenade between FRA10 and FRA20
- Fixed ads zoom in 4th seat PUMA
- Fixed PUMA LOD (changing between PUMA and SA330)
- Fix HK417 staying in the air upon death
- Fixed VBCI missing turret colission
- Fixed Minimi ammobag, wrong texture
- Fixed VBCI textures, added black color where the mag58 is put
- Fixed thin reticle Vector IV + SJ8 (FRF2)
- Changed FAMAS bayonnet to SG 2000 for LAT1 (FRA20)
- Fixed camera clippin with gunner VBCI when pitch at max value
- Fixed not matching VBCI wrecks (always forest)
- Fixed flat tyre VBCI effect
- Fixed VBCI gunner weapon indicator (P = AP, E = HE, 7 = Coax, F = FUM)
- Removed stab indicator for VBCI CMDR
- Fixed VAB crows zeroing (300m indicator was 100m)
- Fixed FRA20 got a FRA10 crewman role (he got FAMAS instead of HK)
- Fixed layer Al Basrah skirmish v2, expeting FRA vs GB instead we had FRA vs FRA
- Fixed warning log with grenade animation
- Fixed text description of weapon (less return line) in order to match vanilla text
- Fixed vehicle spawner in jensens range (missing vehicle and minsk spawn instead of the intended vehicle)
- Animation for FAMAS bayonnet are missing
- GBC desert camo contains several errors
- When changing range with FAMAS UGL, the FAMAS attachment does not follow these change
- Some pose in the roleout shows clipping with some weapons
- VBCI Commander turret is not attached
- VBCI smoke flickering
- PAMAS got clipping with the hand
- Missing sound may occur in burst mode for the FAMAS
- VBCI bolt not aligned with the texture
- Rally point in jensen range near the fob is not FFL (will be not fixed)
- 120MO missing sound when at +25m
- SB, J8 and APAV got a mirror effect (vanilla bug)
- FAMAS UGL transition with mutual weapons
- VAB no sound in CROWS seat
- PUMA : we can see a gap between the window and the body (cockpit)
- VAB gunner opentop got clipping leg
- Minimi clipping during reload animation with attachment