BETA 21.05.01 Changelog
Publish date 23/04/2021 21:17
- Changed rafale minimap icons
- Added 2020 faction
- Added HK417
- Added HK416FC and HK416FS
- Added HK269
- Added GR MA DF F1
- Added SG 2000
- Added GR MA FUM 56
- Added Angenieux binocular
- Added Galix mesh and antenna to the VBCI
- VBCI gunner reticle is accurate
- Added 2D icons for AT4, SG 2000, FAMAS, FUM 47, APAV, FRF2, GRMAFCF5, Vector IV, Hensoltd, PAMAS, PAMAC
- Added PUMA desert camo with eotech mag 558
- Changed MO120 mesh and texture
- Added 120mm FUM texture for smoke projectile
- Added APX 558 as goniometer for the MO120
- Added reticle for MO120
- Added custom ammocrate for 2020 faction
- Fob modified in order to look less like a ammocrate
- Changed damage area of the GBU projectile Fragmentation damage (30m radius) + explosive damage (25m radius)
- Improved ADS, they look like the vanilla one
- Scrome J4 reticle marks are now 100m/200m/300m/400m instead of 100m/300m/400m/500m
- Increased time to ADS 0.25 > 0.3 iron sight, 0.3 > 0.4 red dot, 0.3 > 0.5 x4
- Improved tunnel and parallax effect of Scrome J4
- Increased FRF2 damage 130 instead of 60 and 100 damage at 530m. MOA reduce by 50%
- Changed VBCI AP RPM 400 to 125
- Changed HE VBCI mag to 1 instead of 2
- Rework of the VAB/GBC/VBCI engine setup
- Updated minimi ammo bag texture
- Set the FOV reduction at 0.88 instead 0.66 for mag58 eotech doorgun ADS
- Changed mid fire sound for the FAMAS by L85 (70m450m)
- Reduced constant vertical recoil by 25%
- Added random horizontal recoil by 500%
- Added prefix to layers FRA10 for FAMAS faction and FRA20 for HK faction
- Removed RU from jensens range and M1A2
- Changed vehicles position
- Added FFL and UN flag to jensens range
- Removed french vehicle diarama
- Flag texture changed to 256×256
- Added missing flag to faction
- Rafale SFX and damage area are the same
- Fix logi label
- Fix no visual feedback for VBCI stabilization
- Recenter ADS for all weapons
- Fixed Blur SJ4/SJ8
- Fixed Minini SJ4 text, “100m”
- Fixed black ADS transition for FRF2
- Fixed APAV firing vertically
- Fixed missing FAMAS rail for LAT
- Fixed log spam error with FAMAS UGL animation
- Fixed recruit kit, match other vanilla recruit kit
- Fixed Tiger description “Tigre” > “Tiger”
- Fixed shadow which can be seen on PIRAT support
- Fixed VBCI label and vab open top
- Fixed missing binocular on HAT 2
- Fixed 2 medic scope availability
- Hensoldt Reticle are thicker
- Hensoldt and FRF2 Reticle are thicker
- Fixed vehicles VBCI cage label
- Animation for FAMAS bayonnet are missing
- GBC desert camo contains several errors
- When changing range with FAMAS UGL, the FAMAS attachment does not follow these change
- Some pose in the roleout shows clipping with some weapons
- VBCI Commander turret is not attached
- VBCI smoke flickering
- PAMAS got clipping with the hand
- Missing sound may occur in burst mode for the FAMAS
- VBCI bolt not aligned with the texture
- rally point in jensen range near the fob is not FFL (will be not fixed)
- 120MO missing sound when at +25m
- SB, J8 and APAV got a mirror effect (vanilla bug)
- FAMAS UGL transition with mutual weapons
- Vector IV reticle to thin
- VAB no sound in CROWS seat