Mod link change
Due to Steam’s limitation who don’t allow to change ownerset of a mod, we have to push our mod on as a new one on our Tactical Collective Steam account (previous version of the mod was push on our développer Steam account Medinar).
The mod push on Tactical Collective is also considered as a different mod that the mod push on Medinar account. So, to be able to use the new version of French Faction, you have to subscribe to the mod on Tactical Collective Workspace.

New mod link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2618610732
This new mod does not include the evaluations done on the old mod. We’ll highly appreciate if players who make an evaluation on the old mod do it again on the new one.
BETA 21.10.01 Changelog
- Added desert camo for the MO120
- Limit of every rangefinder is set to 5.6km instead of 1.5km
- Added MO81
- MO120 got different charge short (vanilla -> 1.25km), medium (14350 cm/s -> 2.1km), long (17150cm/s -> 3km)
- Added dual exhaust to the VBCI
- VBCI driver POV changed, position and feeling is closer to the real driver POV
- Added Hit french voices
- Added french voices for the missing ingame voice: Change of objective state
- Added MILAN
- Added RMB to the VBCI in order to use the coax when using HE or AP
- Added CAIMAN, M2 version
- Reduced MOA of the MO120 : 50 -> 30
- Increased MO120 HE damage on structure : 400 -> 500
- Increased MO120 HE inner radius on structure (maximun damage range) : 1m -> 2.5m
- Increased construction cost of the MO120 : 300 -> 500
- Increased MO120 mortar per fob value : 1 -> 2
- Lowered center of mass of vehicules VAB, GBC, VBCI
- Reduced understeer of the VAB
- Increased raise and lower suspension of the VAB
- Physics body of the VBCI is raised
- Review engine spec of the different vehicule
- Changed the emplacement of the smoke health for the VBCI
- Added stab for the VBCI CMDR
- VBCI got two magazines of AP and HE instead of 1
- Changed rearm rate to 8 AP instead of 5, 10 HE instead of 8
- Changed MOA for AP, 3 instead of 2
- Changed MOA for HE, 4 instead of 2
- Changed Healt to 1750 instead of 1250
- Changed front armor to 40mm instead of 35mm
- Reduced horizontal FAMAS recoil by 30%
- Changed thickness of the SJ4 reticle
- Update AT4 textures
- Fixed missing VBCI’s antenna
- Fixed FRF2 is shown as a specialist kit.
- FAMAS UGL transition with mutual weapons
- Changed name of the MO120 ammo
- Removed physical part (wheel axle) for the GBC to prevent bumby effect
- Rear left suspension animation of the VAB is now working
- Fixed missing suspension on the VBCI
- Fixed VBCI exhaust position
- VBCI Commander turret is not attached
- Fixed VBCI seat 10
- Fixed Galix VBCI turret
- Fixed gap between cockpit and the window in the PUMA
- Fixed wrong textures shown when the PUMA was destroyed
- Applied RAFALE fix to the TIGER CAS
- Applied the right textures group to all mod textures, should increase video performance in some video setting
Knows bug
- Animation for FAMAS bayonnet are missing
- GBC desert camo contains several errors
- When changing range with FAMAS UGL, the FAMAS attachment does not follow these change
- Some pose in the roleout shows clipping with some weapons
- VBCI smoke flickering
- PAMAS got clipping with the hand
- Missing sound may occur in burst mode for the FAMAS
- VBCI bolt not aligned with the texture
- Rally point in jensen range near the fob is not FFL (will be not fixed)
- 120MO missing sound when at +25m
- SB, J8 and APAV got a mirror effect (vanilla bug)
- VAB no sound in CROWS seat
- PUMA : we can see a gap between the window and the body (cockpit)
- VAB gunner opentop got clipping leg
- Minimi clipping during reload animation with attachment
- VBCI cage does not take AT/TOW damage when cage is hit
Coucou j’aime beaucoup votre mod ! Je sais pas si je suis au bon endroit pour le dire mais voilà….
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