- Added CAIMAN SAA MAG58 (jensens + main heli for FRA2020)
- Added automatic closing door for CAIMAN
- Added Glock shovel
- Added Forest soldier camo
- Added new textures for the field dressing
- Added New layer (see mod page for more info) Anvil and forest level
- Added capped part for the MILAN missile
- Added HK416 Fire SFX instead of M4
- Added all FAMAS fire sfx instead of some L85
- Added ELCAN specter for HK416 and MAG58 (change zeroing in order to change the Zoom level)
- INS layer are against UN French, vehicle camo only for the moment
- Lashkar valley RAASv1 rebalance (US got more vehicle M2A3 + UH60)
- Added MILAN to Jensens range
- Added CAIMAN M2
- FRA 20 got all FRA10’s layer
- Fix M2 support for the CAIMAN
- Fix commander in sumari AASv1
- Fix FOB radius to 300m in Logar / Sumari / Chora / Skirmish layer
- Fix minimum bandage for rifleman : 2 to 1
- Fix wrong spawn delay for VBCI (6min instead of 10 min)
- Missing spawn time for logi and transport
- Removed all legacy spawn value or number of vehicle references in faction setup, use of the generic one instead
- Removed spring for AT4 prop
- Fix clipping between seat and passenger
- Fix LAT and HAT restriction
Knows bug
- Animation for FAMAS bayonnet are missing
- GBC desert camo contains several errors
- When changing range with FAMAS UGL, the FAMAS attachment does not follow these change
- Some pose in the roleout shows clipping with some weapons
- VBCI smoke flickering
- PAMAS got clipping with the hand
- Missing sound may occur in burst mode for the FAMAS
- VBCI bolt not aligned with the texture
- Rally point in jensen range near the fob is not FFL (will be not fixed)
- 120MO missing sound when at +25m
- SB, J8 and APAV got a mirror effect (vanilla bug)
- VAB no sound in CROWS seat
- VAB gunner opentop got clipping leg
- Minimi clipping during reload animation with attachment
- VBCI cage does not take AT/TOW damage when cage is hit
- Grenadier and CE are shown in two different icon instead of a list in the FRA 2020 kits.