
WIP #21 NH-90 helicopter
Hi everyone, As you may have noticed, the team was on a break due to real-life reasons since the last WIP. After restructuring, the team grow up with new people, such as military advisors, a new artist and a new producer. MADssense, the new Producer of the French Foreign Legion, made an amazing job to...
WIP #20 New Sniper
Hey squaddies!   An important update from OWI just arrived : Modding 2.0, as well as the arrival of the DLC. It’s time to give you somes news of SMF too ! We have been silent last months, but don’t worries : Tactical Collective still work on SMF, and we have never been so close...
WIP #19 Welcome to the jungle ! & Interview of Sim0 (Sound Designer)
Hi dear readers ! The V12 SDK has just been released, and our modders are busy updating the mod and making use of all the new stuff we have to play with! Here’s what the team has been up to this month, enjoy! Central African Map by XanderDal From 2013 till 2016, the French Army...
WIP #17 VLOG in the desert & Interview of Phoenix (3D Artist)
The creative Director, Baby_James, talks to you about Douentza Map and model integration. We hope you will appreciate !     Minimi Animation by Isaac A big part of 3D models made by artists now need to be animated before integration in-game. And that is what Isaac is working on. His first task is to...
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